A Social Media Coordinator/ Community Manager/ Narrative Designer based in Hawaii

<aside> 💡 I am currently seeking a part-time or full-time position as either a Social Media Community Manager or a Narrative Designer, preferably within the video game industry, though it must be remote due to where I currently live.




My Narrative Work Portfolio

Here are some examples of my Narrative Design and Game Development work

My Social Media Coordinator Work Portfolio

Here are some examples of my Social Media Coordinator work and duties.

I love multitasking on various social media platforms and enjoy incorporating narrative techniques in innovative ways to increase engagement on every post and video. I am always eager to take on new challenges and learn something new every day, making me a flexible asset to any team I join. I excel in collaborative environments and am currently working remotely within the HST time zone. However, depending on the location of the team, I can be flexible with my availability.

As a Narrative Designer, I love worldbuilding the lore, crafting scripts, sketching storyboards and collaborating with other creatives to make an interesting story for others to enjoy. Each day I teach myself more about the industry and try and hone my skills, creating small stories, twine games and more, learning as I go as I believe no one truly stops learning and self improvement, especially in Narrative is pivotal to me.

Contact Me

If you would like to get in touch with me for business purposes, please use the contact methods provided below.

<aside> 📨 [email protected]


<aside> 📷 Personal Instagram


<aside> #️⃣ LinkedIn
